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The Runner of DanLing sets up the basic environment for running neural networks.


For cross-platform compatibilities, DanLing features a two-level Runner + Config system.


PlatformRunner implements platform-specific features like step and prepare.

The Runner contains all runtime information that is irrelevant to the checkpoint (e.g. world_size, rank, etc.). All other information should be saved in Config.

Currently, only AccelerateRunner is supported.


BaseRunner defines shared attributes and implements platform-agnostic features, including init_logging, results and scores.


Config stores the state of a run (e.g. epoch, run_id, network, etc.).

With Config and corresponding weights, you can resume a run from any point. Therefore, all members in Config will be saved in the checkpoint, and thus should be json serialisable.

Experiments Management

DanLing Runner is designed for a 3.5-level experiments management system: Project, Group, Experiment, and, Run.


A project corresponds to your project.

Generally speaking, there should be only one project for each repository.

project_root is the root directory of all experiments of a certain project, and should be consistent across the project.


A group groups multiple experiments with similar characteristics.

For example, if you run multiple experiments on learning rate, you may want to group them into a group.

Note that Group is a virtual level (which is why it only counts 0.5) and does not correspond to anything. There are no attributes/properties for groups.


An experiment is the basic unit of experiments.

Each experiment corresponds to a certain commit, which means the code should be consistent across the experiment.

DanLing will automatically generate experiment_id and experiment_uuid based on git revision. They are unique for each commit.

You may also set a catchy custom experiment_name to identify each experiment.


A run is the basic unit of runnings.

Run corresponds to a certain run of an experiment, each run may have different hyperparameters.

DanLing will automatically generate run_id and run_uuid based on experiment_uuid and provided config. They are unique for each commit and config.

You may also set a catchy custom run_name to identify each experiment.


DanLing has two properties built-in to help you identify each run.

  • id by default is the join of experiment_id, run_id, and uuid. It is automatically generated hex-strings and is unique for each run.
  • name by default is experiment_name-run_name. It is manually specified and easy to read. Note that name is not guaranteed to be unique.


To help you manage your experiments, DanLing will automatically generate directories for you.

dir is the directory of a certain run, defaults to {dir/name-id}. All run files should be under this directory.

In particular, checkpoint_dir, which defaults to dir/checkpoint_dir_name contains all checkpoint files.

As a result, your project_root should looks like following:

- {project_root}
-     |- {name}-{id} (equivalents to {experiment_name}-{run_name}-{experiment_id}-{run_id}-{uuid})
-       |
-       |- {checkpoint_dir_name}
-       |    |
-       |    |- best.pth
-       |    |- latest.pth
-       |    |- epoch-10.pth
-       |
-       |- run.log
-       |- runner.yaml
-       |- results.json
-       |- latest.json
-       |- best.json